2017 Company Officers
By News Desk
December 19, 2016

The East Whiteland Fire Company held elections on Monday evening for 2017 company officers and administration. Congratulations to the 2017 staff and a big thank you to those presently serving our company for their work and dedication to the company.


Fire Chief - John DeMarco
Deputy Chief - Mark Koenig
Assistant Chief - Eric Nowaczyk
Battalion Chief - Chris Strauss
Captain - Dan Sheridan
1st Lieutenant - Kyle O'Brien

Our career staff remains with Career Deputy Chief Matt Fink, and captains Loren Nafziger, Mike Risell, Jack Stewart, and Greg Lewis.

EMS Captain - Quintin Lotz
EMS Lieutenant - Paul "Tripp" Brown

Fire Police Captain - Tommy Cockerham
Fire Police Lieutenant - Randy Cockerham
Fire Police Sergeant - Anthony DiPiano


President - Gary Sheridan
Vice President - Tommy Cockerham
2nd Vice President - Chris Strauss
Secretary - Gary McCusker
Webmaster/Public Relations: Randy Cockerham

The East Whiteland Fire Company looks forward to a successful and prosperous 2017. We are proud to serve our community and to work with the finest emergency responders in Chester County, Pennsylvania.